Thursday, June 13, 2013

Health Benefits of Surya Namaskara

Suryanamaskar is the Indian ritual of saluting the sun comprises a rhythmic combination of yogic postures and breathing exercises.

The complete series 12 basic postures performed in cyclical pattern to benefit all three levels of human consciousness: 
  • Physical, 
  • Mental 
  • Spiritual 
The true significance and impact of each position, the entire series should be broken down and practiced one posture at a time. 

The health benefits of this whole body workout aasan are as follows:

1# Pranam Asana

This pose induces a state of concentration and calmness. This is a pose where one meditates to the Sun God.

2 # Hastautthan Asana

It helps in stretching the whole body. It helps correct the spinal arch and also improves the integrity of the spine. Try and reach as high as you can to get a better stretch.

3# Padahasta Asana

This asana helps in reducing excess weight in the abdominal region. Helps in eliminating bloating, improves digestion and helps to remove constipation. Practicing this asana improves blood circulation, makes spine supple and tones spiral nerves. This asana helps inculcate the bhava (attitude) of humility.

4# Ashwa-Sanchalan Asana 

This asana improves the overall health of the body and strengthens the back, abdomen and thigh muscles. Promotes mobility of the knee joints, strengthens the body to maintain good posture and prevent back problems. As there is a stretch on the neck , it is also beneficial to the functioning of the thyroid gland.

5# Adho Mukha Svanasana 

This asana helps in boosting one's self confidence. Because of the increased blood flow to the upper body and the shoulder stand it helps in improving brain function and reduce anxiety and depression. Strengthens and tones the arms and legs. Also helps in lengthening the spine.

6# Ashtang Namaskar 

This pose besides strengthening the leg and arm muscles develops the chest and gives flexibility to the region of spine between the shoulder blades.

7# Urdhva Mukha Svanasana  

This pose keeps the spine supple, improving circulation in the back region and toning the spinal nerves. It tones and stimulates the abdominal muscles and organs. Stretches muscles of the chest and shoulder. Also increases lung capacity and relieves asthma.

Health Benefits of having Oats Daily

Oats is rich in fibre and a good source to boost your energy. You must include oats in your daily diet.

# Improves Immune System

Oats contain a fibre called beta glucans. Beta glucans is also present in yeast, barley and different mushrooms. Beta glucans is known to fight viruses, bacteria and parasites there by boosting your immune system.

# Great for Weight Loss

Digestion of oats is a slow process; when you consume oats the body will absorb it steadily. Since the process is a slow one you feel satiated and full for a longer duration. In simple words, oats reduces your hunger pangs and prevents you from indulging in oily and salted food.

# Improves Digestion

Since oats have a rich source of fibre, it aids digestion. It works for constipation and also works as a natural laxative. While over the counter laxatives may provide quick relief it tends to reduce body weight drastically too, but oats maintains healthy body weight. Consume oats to improve your bowel movements, as it acts like a natural scrub for the intestines.

# Oats for Diabetics

Oats contains the lowest amount of glycemic index, it has the least effect on blood sugar levels. For diabetics, it is important to increase your intake of oats as it controls the glucose levels in the blood. Oats also absorbs sugar which reduces the dependence of releasing insulin.

# Cuts the risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Oats reduces your dependence on insulin and can improve insulin sensitivity. In a study, there was approximately 40 percent reduction of insulin dosage. Oats are one of the diabetes friendly ingredients you must have.

# Reduces High Blood Pressure

Consuming oats on a daily basis can help in lowering systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Under the supervision of a doctor, you may be able to completely stop having medication if you continue to have oats.

# Reduce Asthma Risk 

If you introduce oats based food to a child, the risks of developing asthma is scare. Apparently, if you include fish in your child's diet at an early stage, it can prevent rhinitis.

# Reduces Cholesterol

The fibre present in oats works great for those with high cholesterol. Oats has the ability to reduce low density lipoprotein or LDL which is bad cholesterol. Oats' soluble fibre helps trap cholesterol and eliminate it.

# Fights Cancer

Oats contains antioxidants vitamin E which prevents a build up of free radicals that can harm the body. Oats can reduce your chances of developing colon, breast and bowel cancer.

# Increases Libido

If you lack the sexual urge, then oats is your aphrodisiac. Oats ingredient can boost your libido by balancing your testosterone and oestrogen.

# Healthy Skin

A natural method or home remedies to enhance your skin. Try oats to improve you skin health. Apparently you can apply oats for itchy skin, dry skin and irritated skin. Oats can work as facial packs too when mixed with yoghurt and honey.

# Hangover Cure

Next time you have a hangover prepare a bowl of oats. It will help to absorb the alcohol from the blood and reduces acidity too. A bowl of oats is all you need to reduce the effects of hangover.

# Improves your Mood

Certain foods can make you tired or bring down your mood. Oats contains vitamin B6 which induces serotonin that preps up your mood and keeps you relaxed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Better Digestion

Troubled with constant belch, gas or flatulence, stomach bloating and all other digestive problems go undiagnosed because they are not that serious, but if they appear in the long run, they can damage your health badly. To avoid these negative effects in your life, here are simple tips for better digestion:

# Sip Warm Water

If you have trouble in digesting food, then sip warm water. Drinking warm water in the morning and at least thirty minutes before meals will help to clean your digestive system and enhance the production of gastric juice in your stomach.

# Eat in order

While dining, form a food pyramid to avoid indigestion. Start your meal with easy to digest food and slowly move towards the complex foods. Thus, start your meal with fruits or juices and end it up with a royal treat like poultry or meat, in this way you will avoid overeating and digestive problems.

# Always Sit and Eat your Meal

The act of how you eat your meal also affects digestion. Thus, always sit in a relaxed posture and enjoy your meal. When we sit and eat our meal, our stomach acquires a relaxed posture and this helps to enhance our digestion.

# Drink lots of Water

The best remedy to treat digestive trouble is to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day, helps in easy passage of stools and cleanses your digestive tract.

# Drink some Lemon Water

If you don't like sipping warm water in the morning, then squeeze some lemon juice in a glass of water and drink it. Follow this treatment every day, as it will help to cleanse your stomach of leftover waster and remove excess acid.

# Do some Massage

To enhance your digestion, practice some self-massage or stomach exercise when you are free. These daily routine will help to improve your digestion in long run. Just try massaging your stomach with some essential oils.

# Grind and Chew, should be your Mantra

Your mantra while having food should be, taking smaller bites and chews each food slowly and steadily. This technique will help to create carbohydrate digestion in your mouth and allows production of amylase - the digestive enzyme, which enhances proper digestion.

# Co-operate Food with Fiber 

Fill your plate with fiber rich foods like cherries, grapes, bell peppers, whole grains and nuts. Consumption of these foods will help to ease your digestion and keep it regular.

# Avoid Fatty Foods

Fatty foods take long time to digest, thus consumption of these foods are likely to cause constipation and other digestive problems. Don't completely avoid fatty foods, as fats are essential for the proper functioning of the body. As a result, moderation is the key, and pair it with other healthy foods so that they can be easy to your stomach.

# Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C like broccoli, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and strawberries. Eat lots and lots of colourful fruits and vegetables to soften your stools and making them easier to pass.

# Add Spices to your Diet

Add taste your food by adding various spices like ginger, black pepper, rock salt or coriander. All these spices not only help to add flavour to your food but all improves digestion.

# Follow a Mealtime

To have a good digestion, it is very important to eat at the same time every day. Marinating a steady eating time will help to have a regulating effect on your digestive system.

# Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being obese or overweight can also lead to digestive problems like heartburn and gas. Thus, check with your doctor and aim to maintain a healthy weight.

# Visit the Restroom often

If you have an urge to go to the toilet, then go instantly. Delaying the removal of excreta can stretch your rectum, which can make the passage of waste difficult. Thus, whenever you get the natures call, attend it.

# Exercise Regularly

Practicing exercise everyday is very good for digestion. Daily exercise helps to stimulate your metabolism and improves your blood flow.

# Watch your Portion Size 

Consuming food beyond your limit can cause indigestion. So always, prefer smaller meals, to avoid overeating.

# Reduce Stress

The reason for your constant digestive problems can be stress. Stress  can have aggressive effect on your digestive tract. Therefore, control your stress by practicing breathing exercise or meditation.

# Add Probiotics

Make sure to eat a bowl of low-fat yoghurt every day. Yoghurt is rich in probiotics - the healthy bacteria. They help to keep your body healthy, breaks down lactose, treats irritable bowel syndrome and enhances proper nutrient absorption.

# Avoid Late Night Meals

Our digestive system tends to slow down in the evening. Thus, avoid late night foods, so that there in enough digestive chemicals in our stomach to properly digest our food.

Health Benefits of Coriander

Coriander or dhanya is an essential herb that is added to a lot of dishes and also used for garnishing.

Apart from its sweet, tangy and a slightly citrus flavour, herb has a number of health benefits. Add a pinch of coriander leaves or coriander powder to your dishes as often as possible.

Health Benefits of Coriander

It lowers blood sugar levels.

Coriander helps in digestion; helps settle an upset stomach and prevent flatulence.

Coriander shields you against the Salmonella bacteria

Coriander being an anti- inflammatory helps in easing symptoms of arthritis

It protects against urinary tract infections

Coriander avoids nausea

Coriander alleviates intestinal gas

Coriander lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL)

It is a great source of dietary fibre, iron and magnesium

Coriander is rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids

In case of women suffering from a heavy menstrual flow, boil six grams of coriander seed or dhanya in 500 ml water, add a tbsp of sugar and consume while warm.

# Arthritis patients can boil coriander seeds in water and drink the concoction.

Use a paste of coriander and turmeric juice treat pimples and blackheads.

Coriander is also used in detox diet.