Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to get 8 hours of Sound Sleep

Sleep disorders can have a rather debilating effect on your life if you don't get it under control.

The different types of sleep problems - snoring, insomnia, sleep deprivation, sleep talking and walking.

You must get at least seven to eight hours of sleep everyday. The different stages of sleep impact the quality of sleep, quantity, and even your dreams.

A list of sleep problems: 

Anyone can have a snoring problem, irrespective of gender or age. Snoring is caused when the flow of air gets narrowed through the mouth and nose. As a result, snoring sounds are caused when the tissues of the nose and throat begin to vibrate. 

Insomnia can be defined as difficulty in initiating and inability to maintain sleep. This is usually caused due to inadequate quantity and quality of sleep. Though insomnia affects all age groups, it is more common among alcoholics, heavy smokers, people with anxiety disorders. 

Sleep talking 
It is basically talking while one's asleep, while being unaware of it. It is also known as somniloquy and can occur in both kids an adults. Though sleep talking can be a funny thing but it can also turn violent and vulgar at times. Causes range from inadequate sleep, stress, emotional issues etc. 

Sleep walking 
It is basically walking in while one's asleep, while being unaware of it. It is also known as somnambulism and is more common among children. Sleep walking can become dangerous when one wanders around for a distance. It usually occurs during the deeper stages of sleep. Causes range from inadequate sleep, stress, side-effects of certain medications, irregular sleeping schedules etc. 

Dealing with sleep problems

- The first step is to maintaining adequate sleep. One should practice a regular bedtime schedule. Try waking up at the same time each morning, even if it's a weekend or holiday. 

- One must avoid napping during the day, as this will only result in keeping one awake at night. 

- Indulging in stressful activities two hours before sleeping, tends to make one restless and thus, unable to sleep. Exercising regularly aids in sound sleep, but exercise earlier in the day. 

- Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation before going to sleep. 

- A bedroom which isn't bright, quiet, and cool aids in better sleep. Use earplugs or eye shades if required. 

- Abstain products that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, or diet pills. 

- Do not consume alcohol or smoke before sleeping as it interferes with sleep. 

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