Friday, September 23, 2011

APPLE - As an Aphrodiasiac

One of the most popular quotations "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".                                  

The Apple derives its name from the Latin pomum, meaning fruit in English, and is classified as a pome, a fruit that has many tiny seeds within a core at the center. Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world. At present there are at least 7,500 different varieties that vary in shape, color, texture, firmness, crispness, acidity, juiciness, sweetness, nutritional value, and harvesting period.

Many foods have been thought to possess magical qualities and even aphrodisiac powers. The apple's projected powers could fill a bushel of folklore. An ancient Greek who wanted to propose to a woman would only have to toss her an apple. If she caught the fruit, the act was as good as an engagement.

Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

Apples are superfoods wrapped in a delicate skin, high in antioxidants, their free radical -fighting power boosts natural anti-aging abilities while helping to fight cancer.

Health Benefits 

Easy on the digestion, apples contain malic and tartaric acids that inhibit fermentation in the intestines. Their high fiber content adds bulk that aids the digestive process, making elimination natural and comfortable.

Apples contain flavonoids, antioxidants that improve immune function and prevent heart disease and some cancers.

Green apples act as a liver and gall bladder cleanser and may aid in softening gallstones.

Because of their high water content, apples are cooling and moistening and aid in reducing fever. Simply grate them and serve them to feverish patients. Steamed apples sweetened with honey are beneficial for a dry cough and may help to remove mucous from the lungs.

The Apple has abundant quantity of pectin is an aid in reducing high cholesterol as well as blood sugar, a wonder food for people with coronary artery disease and diabetes.

Eating raw apples gives the gums a healthy massage and cleans the teeth. This popular fruit have the properties that are a muscle tonic, diuretic, laxative, antidiarrheal, antirheumatic, and stomachic.

Nutritional Benefits

Unpeeled apples provide their most plentiful nutrients just under the skin. Apples are a good source of potassium, folic acid, and vitamin C.

A medium apple, approximately 5 ounces, has only 81 calories and a whopping 3.7 grams of fiber from pectin, a soluble fiber. A medium apple supplies 159 mg of potassium, 3.9 mcg of folic acid, 7.9 mg of vitamin C, and 9.6 mg of calcium.

Additionally, there are trace amounts of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

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