Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ayurvedic Properties of Lemongrass

In Ayurveda lemongrass is used as a diuretic, nervine, diaphoretic, febrifuge, sedative/calmative and tonic.

As a diuretic lemongrass increases urination, both in frequency and in quantity, to release toxins from the body.

As a nervine lemongrass acts as a tonic for the nerves and the nervous system. It helps treat many nervous disorders such as nervousness, shaking hands or limbs, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

As a diaphoretic/febrifuge lemongrass helps to bring down fever by fighting the infections which causes the fever as well as by increasing perspiration.

As a sedative or calmative lemongrass has a soothing, sedating and calming effects on mind which helps to relieve tension and anxiety.

As a tonic lemongrass tones all the systems functioning in the body including the respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system and excretory system; it facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the body, thus providing strength and strengthening the immune system.

Tastes – Lemongrass is sweet and pungent in taste

Energetics – Lemongrass is cooling in nature. It helps reduce Pitta and Kapha dosha and has a neutral effect on Vata dosha. It is sattvic in nature. It gives one a sense of calm while restoring and revitalizing the mind and body.

1 comment:

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