Friday, September 9, 2011

Nutritious Diet - 5 Foods

List of five kinds of nutrient rich food that can be effortlessly included in your daily diet: 

Green vegetables have a fair amount of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the brain, thereby preventing the effects of aging on mental activity. Greens, like spinach, are a great source of vitamin A, C, K, calcium, and magnesium.

Nuts are very nutrient-rich and just a handful of them a day is a great way to ensure you're getting more of the good things your body needs and you want especially almonds and walnuts.

These are an excellent source of protein and have all eight amino acids. As any healthy dieter knows, protein is essential for staying full and having energy.

Milk is often called a complete food because it provides us with minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and vitamins. It can be consumed either as a drink or in the form of dairy products like curd and paneer.

All fruits are packed with nutrients and different kinds of fruits have different nutritional values. Include them in your daily diet

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