Sunday, March 24, 2013

Managing Diabetes

Besides following a diabetic diet, there are few important parameters that you should have in place. 

To chalk out a diabetes control plan, basic ways to control and manage diabetes effectively:

Managing Diabetes
  • Taking regular medications and going for periodic check-ups with doctors helps keep diabetes under control.
  • Following a strict diet keeps diabetes under check. 
  • A person with diabetes should follow a diet which is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and contains adequate amounts of proteins, vitamins and minerals and avoid fatty foods and sweets. He/she should also take frequent small meals (5 meals pattern).
  • A person with diabetes should engage in some brisk physical exercise daily for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Such lifestyle modifications keep the disease in control to a great extent.
  • To keep one's diabetes in check, a person should do a self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) level.

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